Wednesday, June 18, 2008


This past weekend there were a few celebrations in my circle of friends, since it coincided with three birthdays (mine included), one wedding anniversary, and the annual feast of Father's Day. Weather wise it was a very pleasant day, and a very relaxing one for all of us.

I spent it at the home of very dear Albanian friends (at least 2 fathers included), and, naturally, I was treated with all sorts of goodies, most of which were hand prepared, Albanian specialties, which I usually don't have at home. The sweets, however, offered by the youngest member of the family, were from a well known local French patisserie. Everything was yummy!

A good digestion was provided by a well chilled Italian Prosecco, and some pictures were taken, but not by me, too busy enjoying interesting conversational exchanges about all sorts of subjects!!

PS - I am not at the age now that I need particular personal gifts, but it's not easy for me to articulate such a feeling with some people I've known for a long time that are programmed, by tradition, to give presents at every special occasion. Afraid of hurting them emotionally (by all means, I don't want to do so!), I always felt uncomfortable to be on the receiving end, and prefer instead to give. Now I have reached a stage where I have, and feel satisfied with, all I need for the life I lead. A couple of my very close friends, however, have found an unusual way to satisfy both their pleasure and mine by contributing to the cause, they know, I care very much about. Cheers!!

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