The excuse to make this trip came when I received an invitation to attend a celebration of the 1st anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kosovo and in honor of the visit in that city of its President, Fatmir Sejdiu. I decided to ride in comfort, via the Amtrak train, which takes about 3 hours to cover the 210 miles from New York.
There is no exiting scenery along this stretch of flat land and waterways, but it’s a relaxing experience to just have lunch on board, enjoy the tranquility of a “quiet” car, and just let the smooth train motion lull you to snooze a bit.
Washington is always a beautiful, orderly, and spotless city, a real contrast to the chaotic New York City. My friends live in a lovely, quiet, and centrally located, cooperative apartment, just off one of the main large thoroughfares in this city, and my stay there was, as usual, very comfy. We had a lot to catch up with, and I also enjoyed seeing one of their son and his family at dinner one night. In another evening we attended the projection of a very interesting film by Giulio Amelio in one of the halls of the Italian Embassy, which I had never visited previously. It’s an extremely modern building, with a huge entrance hall, almost completely surrounded by glass, which is used for large receptions, and is full of large paintings and sculptures.
The Kosovo reception took place one evening in one of the large Washington hotels (Embassy Suite) and, to the surprise of many, it was mobbed! Nobody guessed there would be such a huge attendance of Albanians that flocked into Washington for this occasion in great number. It was quite difficult to move around and with all the lights, the cameras, and the people the hall became a real steam bath! Some of the pictures that I thought were taken didn’t turn out at all, but I was able to briefly talk with President Sejdiu, Prime Minister Thaci, Albania’s Amb. Sallabanda, Albania’s representative at the U.N., Amb. Neritani, and to say hello to a large number of other Albanians I know that came from New York, Boston, Detroit, Philadelphia, and Chicago.
Overall, this trip provided me with a needed break, away from home. The Washington weather was mild, but I returned to NY just in time for some rain and a winter storm that is expected to leave us tonight with 10 inches of fresh snow!!
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