Monday, December 27, 2010

Blizzard in New York

Have returned to New York last evening and was very lucky to have made it all the way home, notwithstanding the bad winter blizzard that has paralyzed the city and all its transportation.

I was apprehensive in leaving Tirana, which was enjoying 60F temperature, although soaked by torrential rain, because I was concerned about my plane connections in Vienna and Frankfurt. Most of Europe has been badly affected by an unusually early, cold, and snowy winter, but, I did not expect a worst situation upon returning to New York.

The departure from Germany was only delayed 40 minutes to perform the de-icing of the plane, and the transatlantic flight was very smooth until we reached NY, where we had to reduce speed and circle around JFK airport for an hour.

After landing safely in zero visibility, the problem was to get from the airport to the city. Transportation was lacking and the line of passengers waiting for the occasional taxi that would show up, was extremely long. It was cold to stand on the covered sidewalk, where the wind blowing at 50 miles per hour was engulfing everyone in swirling snow.

I cannot believe how lucky I was to hitch a ride in a private van with a couple other foreigners, and not to get hurt when I skidded getting out of the car and...landed sitting on 2 feet of snow in front of my building! From the plane arrival to my home it took about 4 hours!

NY airports were closed last night and the trains also stopped running. This morning some people here in the city are still stuck inside public transportation since last evening.

New York City has been completely silent for over 12 hours, and only now the noise of snow blowers is being heard......I have seen similar bad storms in this city a few times over past decades, but this was the first time that I was experiencing one in the midst of traveling home from abroad.

Happy New Year everyone!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Holiday Greetings!

I wish you
a Merry Christmas
a Happy and Healthy New Year 2011!

Ju huron
Gezuar Krishtlindje dhe
Vitin e Ri 2011!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Snow everywhere

This winter has come in in full force and the snow has appeared in the most unusual places.

Here are a couple of pictures from today's Corriere della Sera:

Can you believe snow in Rome?

And even in the heel of Italy?

When I heard the Italian meteo forecast yesterday for southern Italy, I knew that Albania would be hit next.

Sure enough this morning it was no surprise to see snow that is sticking to the ground in Tirana, although this is quite unusual for this city.

Nothing stops the street vendor who puts his ware on display on the little bridge, but the begging woman that shows up every morning in the same spot is nowhere to be seen today.

Current weather condition in Tirana will not last long, but, for a while even this city takes on a winter wonderland look.....

Monday, December 13, 2010

Winter is here

After the rains of a week ago Tirana was inundated by gorgeous sunshine for a couple of days and throughout the weekend.

On Wednesday, the 8th, Albania celebrated another national holiday: it was the 20th anniversary of the student upraising that challenged and eventually initiated the crumbling of the old dictatorial regime in 1990.

For those of you that might be interested in history, I refer you to a short article by a young foreign author, whom I met over a decade ago, that describes the events of those days. Lots of interesting historical videos of this happening have now surfaced and are also available on YouTube.

On Friday, the temperature suddendly dipped about 20F degrees within 24 hours. The crisp air was rushed in by unually strong wind, and people that nornally stroll around, have stepped up their walking pace, bundled up in heavy coats, scarves, and gloves.

Now, this week is giving us a first look at sprinkles of snow on the mountain tops surrounding this capital.

The early morning rain and cold did not stop the beggar mother that every day shows up on the nearby bridge over the Lana canal, with her young girl. Regardless of weather, and without any cover, she squat downs for a few hours on a blanket and awaits handouts, while chatting with local streeet vendors, who also park themselves on this narrow passage way to sell their ware.

It's sad to think that the homeless situation that, unfortunately, exists in every country, continually produces loss of lives. Provided shelters where alcohol is not allowed are avoided by the lost souls that remain in danger on the streets to maintain their addiction to drinking.

In most cases here and throughout Europe begging is done by women and children, who maintain their male partners' bad habits with their quests, otherwise, unfortunately, they would suffer their abuses.

As soon as the weather clears a bit Tirana's municipal street cleaners in their green uniforms are out, as usual, to perform their duties, which include raking fallen leaves in the parks and the green areas, such as the one along the canal below my apartment.

Friday, December 03, 2010

Nasty weather

Although the temperature remains mild here in Tirana, currently having 57F degrees, the rain does not want to stop. It has been steadily ongoing for 2 weeks now.

The flooding in northern Albania has created critical situations; thousands of people had to be evacuated from over 1500 homes. The city of Shkodra and its surrounding towns have been inundated by their overflowing lake.....

[pictures from Gazeta Shqiptare]

All of northern Europe, including northern Italy, is under a heavy blanket of snow, and exceptional freezing temperatures. Even Russia, accustomed to cold weather, is experiencing unusual winter conditions.

Most international airports have been greatly affected, such as London's Gateway that had to be closed for 2 days, and I am beginning to wonder what I'll have to face when returning to NY, via Germany, later this month!