Saturday, November 30, 2013

Fall Holidays

This month is about to end and I realize that I have somehow neglected this blog lately.  I apologize to my personal friends and relatives for lack of input here, but there are good reasons for this, as some of you already know.  

Most of my time continues to be dedicated to a variety of tasks and duties related to the volunteer work I perform for the organizations I created, and this includes posting entries on their official online sites, especially important during this time of the year.  Additionally, there has not been any news of value lately to also keep you informed about anything else in my personal life. 

However, since I know that some of you do not have, or cannot access these other sites I just want to reassure you that, thank goodness, I am well and happy and just want to wish you all a serene and enjoyable time during the current month’s holidays that this year celebrate concurrently  the Jewish Hanukkah, Thanksgiving Day for the birth of America, and the 101st anniversary of Albania’s Flag Day, when in 1912 its flag was raised for the first time as an Independent Nation in the city of Vlore. 

Good Holidays to one and all!

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