Sunday, October 03, 2004


I am still in the process of familiarizing myself and some friends about this method of sharing news, which is already used by millions of other people for almost 5 years now. Like everything else though, it takes getting used to.

I know some individuals who put their resume online this way. Now I also read that several companies have put this technology to good use for hiring staff by advertising open positions and getting feedback this way. So here is the first clue for employment searchers: Google some company name and you may find that their blog is among the first listed references!

Personally, I feel that this could be a good tool for small group of people to work on small projects together, don't you think? The only drawback, however, is that this interchange may be accessed by anyone; even if the blog is not advertised, the knowledgeable 'bloggers' out there are always roaming around and can read whatever one writes. The other feature is that anyone can easily post comments, as you can see below, by just creating a login id to access this facility.

For the 'uninitiated' blogger like me, the only advice so far: just keep reading (just intesting stuff, of course!), don't disclose any secrets, be careful in your comments, and enjoy the facility for what it's worth it!

BTW: disregard the menus on the left hand side of the screen (of my blog anyway); this is just like a simple diary, that you can read sequentially, and not a web site where you can jump around back and forth. The more recent postings are always on top.

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