Monday, March 12, 2007

Spring tasks and travel

Another month flew by me, but I haven’t been twirling my thumbs during this time! It’s a matter of fact these past few weeks have been packed with all sorts of activities, and a good part of them included complete medical checkup and a multitude of related tests, while attending to some important deadlines in my private affairs (not yet ready for publication, however!). Bottom line is that I completed all of the above with flying colors and I’ve self imposed a pat on my shoulder!

At my age, I’m lucky to enjoy good health and continue to have the energy that I’ve been known for throughout my entire employed life. In my retirement, which I triggered at an early age to pursue my lifetime dreams, I still maintain a constant work schedule, although I have now carved out the evenings for some enjoyment and relaxation.

Although I’ve less ‘time off’ in planned vacations than when I worked, these past few years I’ve been more itinerant in the pursuits of the above mentioned dreams. It’s more complex and costly to plan and carry out travel plans these days, but the discomfort of trooping around for me is offset by the rewarding results in what I’m trying to accomplish.

This past month even the weather was a real challenge here in NY, but the sub zero temperatures are, hopefully, finally over. Today we expect to reach 58F and I’ve made great progress in the annual tax forms preparation; thus, it’s time to plan the next travel to (guess what!) Albania, my favorite destination!

Now, am off to the pool for some aqua aerobics!

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