Friday, November 24, 2006

More trivia

After a month of no water problems in Tirana, this week the shortage returned, like in the old times. Although the past two days of rain should have provided a supply of it, here one never knows whether the trouble is restricted to the building, the city zone, or widespread. Bottom line: one must adapt to the ever changing conditions, which affect the daily life in this city, Shower in the morning, or shower at night? Laundry in the AM, or in the PM? The change of time may be inconvenient, but, eventually, it all gets done somehow.

Speaking of liquids, it’s interesting to notice that the bottled (oligo-mineral) water produced in Albania is quite properly labeled since it includes all the data required for approval by the European Community. I guess Albania is one step ahead in this respect, since it aspires so much to become a member of the European Union, but still needs to wait a while for this to become a reality.

Meantime, I dread the thought of going to northern Italy now because winter is already in full swing in the Piedmont region I have to visit, and it practically rains every day, while in Tirana the sun has reappeared again today, and it surely felt like springtime. No wonder so many beautiful palms trees thrive in this city!


ITS said...

New York - Tirana - Milan via DC, and Vienna.

You are such the globetrotter Ms. Drita, kind of like an Albanian female version of James Bond.

I admire your itineraries, enjoy your tales, and wish you happy trails!

© DAI - 2004-2014 said...

Thanks! Have been offline these past few days while in northern Italy, but am back in NY and will post again soon after some badly needed catching up ...(swamped by all sorts of mail and messages) !!