Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Pepe & Ina

The 2 puppies I was recently gifted are getting pretty frisky. It's becoming difficult to keep them inside certain temporary boundaries in a secluded corner of my large yard.

Here they remain unseen by prying eyes from the street, and they can enjoy some coolness during our hot middays because there are shaded by some very old, tall trees, which, however, shed a lot of leaves.

Brother and sister are a pretty pair: he - with a white streak across his head, she - with a totally black muzzle.

Pepe can be majestic and looks much stronger than his shy sister Ina.

Both, however, forcefully compete to attract attention and share offered treats, for which they even fight each other.

Like all babies, their span of attention is extremely short, but they show promise for the needed training.

There is still much to be done to make them feel more comfortable, and must get a vet for them, but, I am told, this needs research just like any good doctor here.

My camera ran out of power, and I couldn't get a good pose from Ina today.....besides, Pepe usually manages to prevail!

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