Wednesday, September 22, 2004


It's time to plan my next trips and this fall is going to be a busy one at that!

First I shall conduct a fundraiser event in Detroit, MI, then I am off to a conference in Italy, followed by a lengthy stay in Albania. From there I may also briefly visit Montenegro, and then, on the way home, I shall attend to the remaining personal affairs in northern Italy for a couple of weeks. I should be back to NYC just in time for the year end holidays.

Hopefully, I can update all my friends with this method of communication, while traveling.

Thursday, September 16, 2004


Notwithstanding years of usage, Internet never ceases to surprise me! It never disappoints me either. Every time I challenge it with what I think it may be a difficult search, it gets back with loads of information, and off I go, in turn challenged by it, into many different directions and wonderful new discoveries, and learning experiences. A host of opportunities are out there, ready to be used!

I also marvel every time I get email from some corner of the world, often remote, and I am not talking about spam or similar annoyances. However, being reminded that whatever we type in and post through this marvelous (and still free service) is going to (re)appear somewhere (and may haunt us back some day), just keeps me on my toes. It's also an unsolicited and free 'librarian' of our writings over the years. Just the other days I came across some messages I contributed about 10 years ago to a couple of netgroups that were just being formed then. It's a silent, but efficient partner that can be whatever you want it to be -- so use it properly!

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Speedy connection

Finally on broadband and more effectively using my connect time!

Sunday, September 12, 2004

New experiences

Hopefully, this new experiment of blogging will allow me new experiences and, most of all, an easier way to update my friends about my life and travels, as I grow further in the 3rd stage of my existence.

Friday, September 10, 2004

At a sea resort (for lunch) along the Durres beaches of Albania a couple of years ago......
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