Monday, April 24, 2006

Columbia University campus

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Low Library at Columbia University

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School assignments?

Last Monday I attended a lecture by the Albanian writer/poet Ismail Kadare, at the Harriman Institute of Columbia University, entitled "Literature vs. Tiranny". It was delivered in French in the large Low Library Hall, which was filled to capacity with the majority of the attendees being Albanian. It was a georgeous, sunny, and hot day, and, as pictured above, the university campus was crowded with students sunbathing everywhere. As one of them wrote in the local paper's article, how is it possible to concentrate on reading assignments while day dreaming in such enjoyable weather?

Asphalt Green pool

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just one sidewalk spot in N.Y.

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Spring activities

As the weather is finally emerging from the winter doldrums, so are my daily activities, which are intensifying at a pretty fast pace. Cold snaps still come and go, but New York is overall enjoying gorgeous sunshine and a few real hot days, which have given way to a splendid burst of new shoots on the trees and full blooming of planted flowers.  Some city streets this month can actually compete with Washington cherry blossoms, believe or not!  

While accomplishing several desk and computer related tasks, in addition to the usual daily household chores, I try to squeeze in some aqua aerobics sessions at the local (Olympic size) pool at least 3 times a week, and, in alternative days, some physical exercises at home. All tax returns have, finally, been completed and mailed out, and my spring traveling plans are now also in place.

Next month will be spent again in Albania, where, as usual, I try to speed up some of the ongoing personal and work related projects. This trip will see me use for the first time Austrian Airlines, which offer good deals in both price and traveling time. By the way, their online site is one of the best designed, user friendly, practical, and most informative that I have seen so far on the web in this line of business.          

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Tax woes

It seems incredible not having had the time to keep up this diary on a more frequent basis lately. In reality, one can find the time, if one wants to. So, what’s the problem?  In my case a lack of motivation, I guess, due to really nothing much worth documenting. Daily routines repeat themselves, and tax work preparation is quite boring!  Some of the latter is actually a maddening experience these days.  

For the past couple of years I decided not to use the services of an accountant or tax preparer, and do the job myself.  I had to smile when the other evening I heard a reportage on tv about the inefficiency and incompetence of these agents, which should be licensed.  They spring up instead everywhere, at tax time every year, and most of them are not certified in this field. What I experienced in the past few years, and what made me drop their services, is the series of mistakes made, the lack of  work quality, and the high fees charged.

So far, so good; although the state forms to be used this year are horrific. The modifications applied to the 2005 returns have multiplied the number of pages in the main form and the published instructions contain more and more worksheets, with references and cross references to drive anyone nuts! Whatever happened to work simplification that was in vogue more than 30 years ago, way before the advent of computerization and electronic processing?  

Today I finally completed my paperwork and I sent my tax returns on their way.  This, however, does not conclude this task for the year…Now,I have to tackle the returns for the business I manage. Alas, a few more days of tedious work! Thank goodness I am alternating it with aqua aerobics at the local pool and enjoying the beautiful sunshine that is blessing New York, which is now again in full bloom!