As expected, however, upon arrival home I had to face the usual accumulation of mail that, especially at this time of the year, can be overwhelming, to say the least.
The jet lag that wakes me up at 3am in NY for a few days allows me to face the task of clearing out the mail – this time it consisted of more than 520 email messages (received in just one week, and mostly junk), over 100 requests of contributions, a dozen faxes, and one full carton of catalogs, without counting the bills, and invoices that, fortunately, I can pay online as I travel. Now I’ve got to deal with the duties of the season, the gifts, the greetings, and some special events planned by friends, in addition to the handling of papers, calls, and documentation that take a great part of time on a daily basis all year around because of the work that I am involved with, on a volunteer basis.
NY is all decked out for the holidays, and not only in public places and stores. Small lights and colorful decorations are everywhere now, including along all the avenues of Manhattan, on the trees and on the balconies of the high-rises, while the strong smell of pines for sale permeates many blocks and corners.

The rush is on, and the plans for holiday planning are evolving......... !
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