Saturday, December 22, 2007
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I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances. Martha Washington US wife of George Washington 1759 (1732 - 1802)
Duke shfletuar internetin hasa ne blogun tend, e me pas duke shfletuar blogun tend hasa ne nje fotogfrafi shume te njohur dhe te "dashur" per mua... ajo me koshin e pleherave ne rrugen Suljeman Pasha, prapa piaces te tuneli i dyte, ku duket se kishte ardhur nje makine per ti marre ato...hehehhehe...kuptoj nga fotoja se ti banon te pallati siper berberanes aktuale.sinqerisht me cmalle me ate foto. me erdhi era eplehrave perseri ne hunde ehde pse kam nja 6 muaj qe po habitem ne boston buze oqeanit
edhe nje here flm se me cmalle sinqerisht... interesant blogu yt pergezime
glad you recognized your Tirana neighborhood and enjoyed this blog.
Today's world is surely smaller, thanks to technology. As other bloggers can attest it's also full of surprises, and offers opportunities, sometimes unthinkable. I made friends with people living within my same building that I corresponded with first thru blogging.
Boston is a bit colder than Tirana, right? - in any case: gjithe te mirat!
hehehehe yep it is a bit colder here then in my Tirana, but like a wise old man said to me once: by patience i will conquer,even in the could times.
eshte ndryshe te rigjesh dike jashte shtetit, dike qe ke c te ndash e kam fjalen ketu per koshin e pleherave dhe lagjien e perbashket.Thnx for responding
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