Sunday, April 20, 2008

Warm sunshine finally!

During this trip to Tirana I experienced some very strange weather. I have been here for several years during the spring, and it has been much warmer. This year it was cold and rainy all the time during March, and just in the last couple of days the temperature has risen. This past week we actually had a few days when the sun would peak out almost on an hourly basis, alternating with periods of dark clouds, and splashes of rain, long enough to fill the many potholes of the city streets. Today, finally, the sun stayed out all day, and we reached almost 80F (27C) degrees.

It was a gorgeous feeling to be outdoors for the first time in short sleeves! Decided, therefore, to accept an invitation by some of my friends to drive to the port city of Durres, just a few km away.

Instead of the usual fish lunch at one of the many outdoor eateries along the beaches, this time we stayed in town, and had an excellent meal in a very nice, air conditioned restaurant not to far from the port area. We were lucky to find room inside since it was filled with entire families lunching with their children.

From there we drove up the hilly part of town, near the villa of the ex king that overlooks the city, where I have been many times before. However, today we went for dessert and coffee to a fancy, modern, high rise building where a restaurant bar occupies the entire top floor with a wonderful 360 degree view of the entire city, the coast, and the sea. Everyone else seemed to have had the same idea!

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