It was my first experience with this airline and it was a good one. First of all I didn't not have to skip sleep the night before, to leave Rinas airport at the ungodly hour of 5-6am the next morning. Their service was just as good as the one of Austrian Air, and most of all, I enjoyed better seats and leg room on their new, huge Airbus 330-300 plane (I can't stand the Boeing 767 used by other lines for transatlantic travel). Even the short haul from Tirana to Munich was on a pretty large, modern, and comfortable plane. Once in Munich, I didn't not even have to wait an hour to make the connection to NY. Got off one plane, easily reached the other gate, boarded immediately, and left on time!

Additionally, but unrelated to the line used, I also had a nice, and unexpected experience at Tirana's airport. A very bright, multilingual young lady I met more than 8 years ago is now a top manager there, and, without me asking for anything, she had someone do my check in while she and I were having coffee at the airport's bar. It was a real,and unexpected treat!
Europe was covered by a smooth, but extensive layer of clouds, with the sun shining above them, but it was drizzling in Munich, looking very neat in the approach. Its sparse, red roof villages, with their green fields looked like a painting of miniature dwellings.

By 5:30pm I was back, safe and sound, on American soil. But, alas, it took a while to retrieve the luggage and get back home in NYC, where the traffic is just as heavy as in Tirana (where is more chaotic!), but the travel distances are far, far greater in the US.
Was that nice young lady the delightful Mira? She's a joy to know an smooths things out at the airport for many people.
No, Kim, it was not. Mira is a 'beautiful' name, any how, and apparently it fits what you say.
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