Sunday, October 15, 2006

Italian week

During this past week everyone in NY seems to feel Italian due to the Columbus Day celebrations in a lot of places.  As I was walking from one appointment to another on Monday, I had the chance to see a few floats and marching bands of the traditional parade on 5th Avenue, which lasts several hours with more than a million people involved.  

The weather was perfect, the viewers, in cheerful mood, lined the entire avenue, the politicians were yelling thru bullhorns even a few Italian words, and elderly people and children alike were having a good time listening to the music, clapping hands, and waving flags.  

By pure coincidence I met an Albanian acquaintance, who manages a luxury building along the avenue, and has the chance to see every parade that takes place in this city. He smilingly agreed when I expressed the idea that it would be nice one day to also see an Albanian parade, possibly on November  28/29; after all, there are enough Albanians here and many would flock in from Boston, Detroit, and neighboring areas as they do, every time, for other Albanian gatherings. During our brief chat I learned that he owns 3 condos in Florida, where he was going to spend some time this coming week. Every Albanian in the real estate business in NYC (and there are thousands in one category or another, from doormen to building owners!) are all doing very well!  

On Tuesday evening I was invited to a new exhibit of paintings and sculptures by a Neapolitan artist, who just opened his own gallery in Chelsea. He has specialized on various representations and forms of the Italian "maschera”  Pulcinella.  For his latest sculpting he has used, as material, over 2007 kg. of aluminum, collected from different sources.
Lello Esposito, painter and sculptor

On Thursday I took an hour to attend the annual party offered by the State Governor every October 12, when he always likes to claim some Italian (Sicilian) blood running in his veins from his mother’s side. I missed most of the speeches, but was able to chat briefly with some old friends and colleagues, and sip some champagne with a taste of a variety of specialty cheeses.
an Italian jazz quartet
two ex colleagues (of ages ago!)

While in Buffalo 2 feet of snow unexpectedly fell yesterday.....New York is dressing itself in fall colors.....

and I must prepare for a business trip to Washington…..

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